Awoyemi Victor A.

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Awoyemi Victor A.
Software Engineer & Entrepreneur
Building Profitable Crypto Bots and Trading Systems
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22 Docker Commands You Must Know As a Beginner

March 3, 2023

What is Docker?

Docker is a lightweight virtualized environment called a container that is used for the development, deployment, and management of applications. It is mostly used as a platform for software development to create distributed applications that operate effectively in many environments.

Compared to VMs(Virtual Machines), Docker comes in handy with a lots of features and commands. To get started, you first have to get Docker installed directly on your Machines(Mac, Windows, Linux).

In this article, I have compiled the top 25 commands which I think every beginner Docker users must know. Remember to give me a clap đź‘Ź if you find this helpful. Without wasting too much of our time, let’s get started.

1. To show all images in your Docker

docker images

2. To show all running containers

docker ps

3. To show all available running containers

docker ps -a

4. To delete an image (Note: The particular image must not have a container in use)

$ docker image rm <image_name>

5. To delete image even if it has a container in use

docker image rm <image_name> -f

6. To delete a container

docker container rm <container_name>

7. To remove all images, containers and volumes

docker system prune -a

8. To build image

$ docker build -t <name_of_image>

9. To build image with tag

$ docker build -t <name_of_image>:v1 .

10. To start a container

$ docker start <container_name>

11. To start an image with a specified port

$ docker run -name <container_name> -p 4000:4000 <image_name>

12. To stop a container

$ docker stop <container_name>

13. Deploying react.js application on docker

docker run -name <container_name> -p 4000:4000 -rm -v <app.js_path> -v <node_modules_path>:ro <image_name>

14. To start up a docker-compose.yaml file

$ docker-compose up

15. To shutdown container and delete it

$ docker-compose down

16. To delete container and images

docker-compose down -rmi all

17. To delete container, images and volumes

docker-compose down -rmi all -v

18. To clone imagename from hub

$ docker build -t <username>/<hub_name>

19. To login remotely from terminal

docker login

20. To push to dockerhub

$ docker push <image_name>

21. To pull latest nginx

$ docker pull nginx:latest

22. To run nginx container

$ docker run -p 8000:80 nginx

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