What is a landing page?
A landing page is a website page with a specific purpose — the objective of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads. While there are many landing pages, the intent is the same — get more leads.
Landing pages contain lead forms that ask visitors for their contact information in exchange for something of value, otherwise known as an offer.
Now, think about how protective you are of your personal information. What would make a person want to give up their contact information over the internet?
Well, that’s where landing page best practices come in. A targeted, well-crafted landing page with a solid format and sound copy will get almost anyone to submit their information.
Why do you need a landing page?
Why would you create a unique page for people to complete a form? Why not just use your homepage or About page? Great questions.
Still, the short answer is this: A landing page eliminates distractions by removing navigation, competing links, and alternate options so you capture your visitor’s undivided attention.
Complete attention means you can guide your visitors where you’d like them to go, i.e., to your lead form. In sum, landing pages are specifically designed to create conversions.
Now that you understand their importance, in my next article, I will be covering landing page best practices to ensure your pages are set up to convert.
Need Help with a Professional landing page design? Reach out to me on Upwork: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01d55cdf3657f9b48b